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2022 iHerb ship to Taiwan - Tips to get free shipping or save more

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綠意生活 Green Life info ★ 實用生活資訊 Update: 2024/02/02

本文更新:2022.11.11 目前iHerb運送台灣有三種運送方式,Global Air滿1800元免運費。DHL和全家超商取貨都有省運費或免運費的方法。可以參考這篇文章。

以下是2022.2月到6月運送方式只有DHL期間所寫的文章,如果想用DHL或全家自取運送,又想要省運費,還是可以參考以下資訊。低於NT2500元的訂單用DHL運送也是有可能可以免運費的。要注意的是iHerb有一些商品DHL不運送,但Global Air with tracking可以,如果遇到有商品不能運送,可在購物車頁面切換這二家看看。

參考文章→ 全家超商取貨買對商品可免運費

參考文章→ iHerb台灣購物怎麼買比較划算?售價調整/取消完稅價/小資2000內可退稅


iHerb 在2022.6.2重新提供Global Air with tracking運送到台灣,剛開始還沒有滿額免運,和DHL一樣有些商品可減運費或增加運費。6/20之後推出 Global Air滿額免運優惠,低於$80美元/NT2500元的訂單運費固定收NT250元,同時期台灣的商品售價改成包含關稅的「完稅價」。

2022.9月底之後取消「完稅價」,恢復「DDP預收關稅」、小額免稅訂單會主動退稅,商品售價調漲,Global Air免運費門檻再調降成NT1900 、1800元。


2022.6.2 UPDATE :Today iHerb announces on website that *all the product prices for shipping to Taiwan have been changed to duty-paid prices, so there will be no subsequent tax refunds.Read more about duty-paid price → How to buy and save more at the duty-paid price ?

2022.6.20 UPDATE :iHerb-台灣恢復了 Global Air with Tracking 的運送選項,可以更容易免運費!和DHL一樣以iHerb自主品牌商品為主,大多都可減蠻多運費的。Global Air with Tracking的運費比DHL便宜很多。

首次買iHerb使用禮券碼【CSV0840】可直接打九折這件商品買三件就可Global Air with Tracking免運費
2022.6.24截圖,僅供紀錄參考。未滿2500元的訂單Global Air with tracking的運費固定是NT250元

🎉iHerb-Taiwan *-Global Air with tracking 購物滿NT2500元就可以免運費!!
未滿額訂單→固定運費 NT250元

iHerb Taiwan 2022首次下單即享 9 折!請在結帳時使用折扣碼:10NEW免運費 當訂單滿 NT$2,500 !禮券碼【CSV0840】可享指定商品超級獎勵7折|首購9折|舊會員95折

🎉iHerb-Taiwan *-Global Air with tracking 購物滿NT1900元就可以免運費!!

2022.9.27更新: iHerb在FB上發佈了新消息,取消完稅價、2000元內可退稅、全面價格調漲* in the next few months .

🎉iHerb-Taiwan *-Global Air with tracking Shopping over NTD1800 can be free shipping
未滿1800元訂單→固定運費 NT250元

2022.11.10 update: iHerb台灣運送方式新增「FamilyMart pick-up」,基本運費大約是NT300元左右,目前全家沒有滿額免運,運費會依不同商品和重量級距增減。

Since I wrote the first sharing article about iHerb shopping last year, I found that there are quite a lot of people in Taiwan shopping at iHerb. iHerb stopped shipping to Taiwan in November last year (2021), and they reopened in February 2022, but it can only be shipped by DHL, and customs duties must be pre-paid in advance. Currently, Taiwan does not have the same free shipping as other countries, but iHerb is very nice. With special offers, you can still have the opportunity to get free shipping, and you can even buy less than 2,000 yuan tax-free quota, and get free shipping! How is this done? Please read this article and know about the tips .? 😊

Shipping is so expensive now ! What can I do?
iHerb-台灣 2022小額訂單免運費/省運費方法

2022.7.10 iHerb網站截圖。低於NT2500元的訂單用DHL運送也是有可能可以免運費的

Today I happened to find this exciting thing,most of iHerb's own brand products can deduct some DHL shipping charges,especially *Nutrition supplement* can deduct more shipping charges,feature products* such as * LactoBif probiotics, are more than other general nutrition The product can be folded more, and each bottle/piece is about 90 ~ 170 yuan for shipping. For example, like * CGN-Children's Prebiotics-Probiotics * can reduce about NTD 270 .CGN-SUPERFOODS-Supergreens * can reduce about NTD 220 .

The shipping fee rules of iHerb to Taiwan are a bit complicated, and sometimes the amount deducted from the shipping fee for the same product changes after a few days. Therefore, the reduced shipping amount here is for reference only.

After some tests, the tips is that *buy 2~3 pieces of star products of iHerb's own brand, most of the time can get free shipping, and it is not difficult to get free shipping.DHL base shipping fee* might be about *$19.55 ( NTD580 ). Each product has a different shipping algorithm, some will increase and some can reduce the shipping cost. Some products fee changes when increase the amount. You can *change the quantity in the shopping cart to know how much the shipping cost for that product.Other brands also have many products that can reduce shipping costs, but the reduction is not as much as that of iHerb brands.

iHerb-DHL-Taiwan currently currently doesn't have free shipping by order amount. and it is not necessary to buy over an amount to get free shipping.

In addition, it will be calculated according to the category/weight. For some heavier ones above 1kg, most of them will increase the shipping cost. Even some products of iHerb's own brand (such as laundry detergent, which are cheap but heavy) will also increase a little bit shipping costs, but cosmetic lotions can reduce shipping costs. Some items increase in quantity, and the shipping fee that can be reduced becomes less.

Items with discounted trial price (limited to one item with discount) cannot reduce the shipping fee, and some shipping charges will be added (about 1 NTD). However, if it is a product of iHerb brand, the original price will be used for the second and subsequent items, and the shipping fee will be reduced a lot.

Therefore, the tips is buy * iHerb brands products ( feature promotion nutrition products or beauty products, then can be more easier to get free shipping.

Refer to this →DHL減運費商品清單

iHerb Customer Service Reply - Shipping Calculation Rules & What are the products with reduced shipping costs?

iHerb網站常見問答裡有提到「拉低運費商品」,我寫EMAIL詢問iHerb客服確認,他們也是給這個連結 。但不同品牌/商品運費增減的金額每個國家地區都不一樣,這個拉運費商品清單不一定完全適用台灣。

2022.5月 iHerb客服回覆紀錄MEMO

In order to share more useful information to our readers, I wrote email today to iHerb customer service to see if there are specific shipping rules, which can facilitate our shopping and save shipping. The following is screenshots of the reply from iHerb's customer service. Briefly - it is correct as mentioned above. iHerb is also making effort try to offer previous delivery services and free shipping ASAP. In the short term, customers in Taiwan can make more use of " Shipping Saver Products" (the hidden discount bonus)~?😁

您好:我想詢問台灣的訂單,哪些商品可以折抵拉低運費?我之前發現不同的商品可以折的運費都不太一樣你們在常見問答裡有提到「拉低運費商品」,但我把這個filter裡的商品加入購物車並沒有降低運費,是不是台灣有不一樣的運費計算規則呢?是不是只有 iHERB自主品牌商品才能拉低DHL運費?
尊敬的 客戶朋友您好,感謝您惠顧。非常抱歉給您帶來的不便和困擾。非常感謝您對我們網站的大力支持,但DHL不提供免郵,具體運費請以購物車的實際為準,確有部分自有產品不包含運費,但很抱歉目前並無具體或特定的規則可提供,還需勞煩您根據購物車的提示為準,我們會將此情況反饋至相關部門以求不斷提升改善,不便之處還請您諒解。目前台灣市場恢復運輸不久,各方面流程還有待進一步優化,非常理解您的困擾,我們的運輸部門也在不斷跟進和優化流程。我們正與運輸商密切合作,以求全面恢復對台灣的服務,請放心,我們將與運輸商一起努力,爭取盡快以具有競爭力的運輸價格為台灣的客戶提供優質的服務。 如有任何疑問或需要協助的地方請隨時與我們聯繫。感謝您對 的理解與支持!Sincerely,Angela XuCustomer Service RepresentativeiHerb 團隊

After knowing the tip to have DHL free shipping, I went shopping while they offered "big sales - " iHerb Brands Must have 50% off "right away !

This order is my first time shipping by DHL and I haven't received it yet. According to the progress of package tracking, it is a bit slower than the previous use of GLOBAL AIR, but I am not sure if this is usually the case. DHL expects to receive it 5/9. I'll come back and post again when I get it.

📦 5/9 UPDATE:Received the goods on 5/5, you can read this article →【2022 iHerb-DHL-Taiwan】my shopping experience✈️EZ WAY-Paper Authorization & delivery tracking details

謝謝所有使用我們的推薦碼連結到iHerb購物的人,【Green Life info】 will continue to share a lot of useful life information in the future. Best wish for everyone , safe and healthy. Come to our website often when you have time? 🥰

💪 Go shopping at iHerb now 🛒

結帳時輸入折扣碼,再輸入禮券碼 CSV0840,系統會自動套用最整張訂單最優惠的折扣
※ 有些品牌或商品不能用折扣碼,購物車商品價格下面會有提示說明

購物現折5% | 指定品牌/商品85折
首購全單8折 (不限金額)

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