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Best-selling e-book【Backyard Healing Herbs】 Grandma Mary's Herbs - 250 Years of Ship Doctor's pharmacy wisdom & remedy

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綠意生活 Green Life info ★ 實用生活資訊 Update: 2022/03/19

It has been a long time since the two years of the COVID-19 epidemic. Like many people, I have been thinking and self-reflecting on why human beings are facing such a serious threat, and whether there is something wrong. Many academic studies and advocacy in the religious and spiritual circles mostly point to the fact that the natural ecological chain is broken due to environmental pollution, the abuse of drugs, the consumption of wild animals (unfriendly or cruelty to animals)...etc.

Another big factor is the "quality of food". There is a problem with "what we eat".In ancient times, "the people consider food as their heaven". However, in modern times, "People take food as their concubine." We are picky on food, we eat as much as we'd like to.For a long time, we have overproduced agriculture and food, not cherishing enough and wasting resources, and there are even health concerns such as excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and genetic modification.

The nutritional value and flavor of the farm food we eat are not as good as they used to be. I am very impressed by this. I often feel that when I was a child, the rice was more delicious, fruit was also better, the sweet and sour tastes were just great. There are also biscuits and snacks that I think are quite a lot. Although I don’t want prices to go up, sometimes I want to say that if we can go back to the past, the food can be more expensive if it is worth the price, we will cherish and save it more, and we won’t eat too much because of the cheapness. Throw away half of it, or not avoid overeating and gain the whole body fat, or worry about the problems of calories, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.If I can eat the same good taste as before, I will be willing to spend more money, reduce the amount of food consumption, and eat less than 80% full.

After the epidemic~Healthy herbal new life

By yakovlevadaria

In the past few years, healthy superfood plants and herbs become a trend. More and more people have begun to pay attention to and use original food or nutritional products to maintain and improve their health.I recently found this very interesting * e-book【Backyard Healing Herbs】.The author, Donna Nicholson, a housewife who has had cholesterol problems for many years. She met Grandma Mary by chance. Grandma Mary is the owner of a herbal medicine shop. Her grandfather was a ship doctor in the 18th century. He invented a system of techniques for planting herbal medicines on ships. He devoted lots of effort to find the relevance between soil and plant components. and how to let herb grow naturally with the nutrients that plants need. Soil is the key point of this book. Everyone can plant herbs, but the herbs he grows can play their due role. Let's say, assuming good soil can achieve 80 points, then bad and barren soil can maybe score only 40 points.The author describes that the plants planted by modern commercialized and large-scale agricultural operations can be described as "empty nothings". There are no or very few functional elements in them, which is equivalent to a waste of money. This way of speaking is a bit too extremely , but I understand the author just wants to emphasize this point of view.

250 years Pharmacy Wisdom
- Ship Doctor’s Remedy
- Grandma Mary's Herbs
plant herbs at home - Secret inside the Soil !

This book also emphasizes that you can plant in your own backyard using a space the size of a shoebox. The advantage of planting by yourself is that there are no problems with pesticides, fertilizers and heavy metals. At least you can see and control over it.

I also have this kink of feeling at this point. Sometimes I just wonder the vegetables I bought from the supermarket that I don't know whether the pesticides have been washed. I have heard a vegetable farmer friend said that the vegetable they eat is not sprayed with pesticides, but those for selling purpose must be sprayed with pesticides, otherwise they will not be able to sell. HA! She's really honest, but that's what it really is. I can also understand their hard work as farmers. I am growing medicinal herbs myself and have encountered pest problems before. Although I don’t plant many of them, I am also driven crazy by these pests. I can’t help but think about using some powerful pesticides to counteract it. Later, I used some essential oils, rice vinegar, plant ash, star anise water, sunflower oil + detergent diluted water, finally quelled the chaos of pests.

After a few months of adapting to the environment, the plants I planted began to grow more stable, and they were not easily destroyed by pests. Although the materials I use are not very expensive, but as to farmers, it will cost a lot of money to plant a large field. It does not meet the cost and the effect is not 100%, so it takes more labor. In short, if you have time, it is good to grow some herbs that are suitable for you at home.This book emphasizes that as long as the plant is planted according to the method of the ship doctor - "Mason jar soil test" can be used to ensure that the soil nutrients are sufficient. Simple use of some skills, not too complicated, everyone can get started easily.

暢銷電子書《後院的治療藥草》Best Selling e-book "Backyard Healing Herbs"
芳香療法 / 自然養生療法-精油、純露、保健美容保養、精油調香、香水調香

In addition to teaching you how to grow herbs, the book also contains various tea recipes for health care and weight management, most of which are supported by scientific research. Such as weight loss, raising good cholesterol, balance blood sugar, anxiety and stress relief, enhance sleep quality ( valerian root ), chronic pain, heart palpitations ( passion flower ), intestinal problems ( dandelion ), infection problems ( echinacea , cornflower ), nausea and vomiting ( Ginger ), Headache ( peppermint ), Menopause ( herb's tincture Tea )…, there are dozens of exclusive recipes for from A~Z a list of problems. You can grow these high-quality and effective plants according to your personal conditional needs, and then follow the methods in the book to make tea or simply apply DIY supplies , cooking with food. In the long run, over-reliance on drugs can be avoided, and all aspects of the body's metabolism can be improved.

Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans 美洲原住民的自然治療秘密 - 早在歐洲人出現之前,美洲原住民就已經擁有了強大的,數百年歷史的治療療法。他們的存在是基於以各種可能的方式與自然和諧相處。他們熟練地利用自然資源,如毛蕊花,薄荷,沙羅利加托加,纈草根,野生黑櫻桃,金縷梅,天竺葵和柳樹皮......保持家人強壯健康。在這個100%免費的指南中,您將發現許多美洲原住民的治療秘密。一些他們最珍貴的易腐成分保存秘訣......因此,您不必擔心電力或製冷問題。還有一個關於美洲原住民「超級食物」的部分,如果準備得當,有助於維持健康,説明你更快地從疾病中恢復過來。 Wild Edibles可食用的野生植物 - 如何分辨可食用和有毒的蘑菇、可食用的鬱金香,漿果,堅果等。即使您在沙漠地區,您也會知道如何輕鬆挑選安全的食物來源,如仙人掌仙人掌,仙人掌仙人掌,沙漠聖誕仙人掌,奇亞鼠尾草,龍舌蘭,松松,梅斯基特,喬拉仙人掌和絲蘭。提供簡單的「野生食用石蕊測試法」,以確定是否有任何植物是可食用的還是有毒的。Veggies You Can Grow in Your Backyard for Self-Sufficiency自給自足後院種植蔬菜 - 涵蓋了3種不同的園藝方法,因此您可以輕鬆種植健康,營養豐富和富含維生素的食物,如芝麻菜,甜菜,西蘭花,胡蘿蔔,西紅柿,鷹嘴草,蒲公英,青豆,羽衣甘藍,石榴,迷迭香,漿果等。The Shoe Box Garden 鞋盒花園(小空間園藝)教導在「鞋盒」大小的容器裡適合種植的植物,以及土壤,光線,水和排水方面的作法。運用創意,利用吊籃、花盆和垂直園藝的技巧。如何製作「倒置的花園」以及栽培方法。如何輕鬆建立自己的玻璃容器來種植療癒草藥。14種在狹小空間中生長好的最佳蔬菜。

Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans
Wild Edibles
Veggies You Can Grow in Your Backyard for Self-Sufficiency
The Shoe Box Garden (for limited home space )

For those who are interested in gardening , planting vegetables or want to use natural and gentle ways to improve their health, this e-book is quite worth reading as a reference. Use the following affiliate promotion link for purchasing this e-book.There's a limited time giveaway! Everyone can have bonus 4 free guide e-books.. The book is described in more detail on the page, and the author is enthusiastic about sharing her own personal experience, as well as promoting the health benefits of growing vegetables and herbs at home. Buying a good book can also sponsor our website to share a lot of helpful life information, thank you!?😊

🌻🐥Nice eBook【100 Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dissert Recipes】 | Cleverly use vegetables and raw materials to make no-bake and no-cook healthy nutritious pastries, cookies, snacks, ice cream, weight management meals. Taking into account nutrition and taste. Most are sugar-free, low-calorie, ketogenic diet, gluten-free. 😊🌲→ Click this link can have more exclusive free bonus ebooks

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